
Fundamentals of Color Genetics in Canaries (Includes Shipping to Canada or the U.S.)

Format: SoftCover, 86 pages

Publisher: Dorrance, July 2008

ISBN: 9781434990747

Fundamentals of Color Genetics in Canaries: Reproduction and Control by Octavio Pérez-Beato

To enter the fascinating grounds of color canary breeding means to understand what to do and when to do it. Basic concepts of genetics are necessary to really succeed in this ancestral hobby. The management of mating, the identification of genetic formulas to handle breeding procedures, and finally get full control of the results to measure success and mistakes are all necessary as well.

This is exactly what this book is all about: offering the knowledge in simple and firm steps and giving the reader breeding procedures in a theoretical basis to perform modern color canary breeding, including the most recent mutations.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Octavio Perez-Beato started up as a canary fancier when he was a teenager. In 1975 he received a Bachelors Degree in Biology. In 1981 he was entitled to a Ph.D. in Animal Science. He has published more than forty scientific articles on animal behavior, genetics, and systematic zoology, describing new species and subspecies. He also kept breeding Bantam chickens and finches for several years. He is a member of the Florida Bird Breeders Association. At present, Dr. Perez-Beato is keeping a small experimental canary breeding stock.


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