Format: Softcover, 809 pages
Publisher: Zoological Education Network, July, 1997
ISBN: 0963699652
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Originally designed to complement the "big book," this is an excellent and affordable stand-alone reference book for breeders and pet bird owners, especially if you have limited access to an avian veterinarian. Over 40 chapters including all the basics of bird care, plus Hemotology, Cytology, Endoscopic Examination, Necropsy Examination, Supportive Care and Emergency Treatment, Trauma Medicine, Antimicrobial Therapy, Formulary, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Nephrology, Pneumonology, Endocrinoloigy, Dermatology, Oncology, Opthalmology, Cardiology, Neurology, Theriogenology, Neonatology, Malnutrition, Viruses, Bacteria, Chlamydia, Mycosis, Parasites, Toxins, Surgical Considerations, and more.