Format: Softcover, 79 pages
Publisher: Apex Publications, 2006
ISBN: ApexBest1
(Includes Shipping to Canada or the U.S.)
Featuring the following stellar stories from Apex Digest Magazine in 2005:
Accountant: Life on the Streets by Bryn Sparks
Crucifixation by Lavie Tidhar
Erasure by Jennifer Pelland
Trees of Bone by Daliso Chaponda
Big Sister/Little Sister by Jennifer Pelland
Layers by Mike Simon
An Odd Day in I-Forgot by Athea Workman
Oranges, Lemons, and Thou Beside Me by Eugie Foster
Cover art by Justin Stewart
80 pages of the best stories printed in Apex Science Fiction and Horror Digest during 2005. Big sisters with little sister dark secrets. Crazed street accountants fighting giant hyper-sexual beasts on the streets of a mega-city. A village doctor fighting the ghosts of a dark past.
Experience Apex!