Publisher: Nepal Postal Service, July 2015
Prehistoric Elephants of Nepal, with Set of 6 Stamps First Day Cover. Postmarked 7th July 2015.
Stamp Details
1, Elephas Hysudricus
2, Gomphotherium
3, Stegodon Ganesa
4, Deinotherium Indicum
5, Elephas Namadicus
6, Stegodon Bombifrons.
Title: Prehistoric Elephants of Nepal.
Denomination: Rs. 10 each.
Size: 42.5 mm x 31.5 mm.
Format: Horizontal.
Paper: Security Stamp Paper with Special Gumming.
Color: 5 Color with phosphor print.
Sheet Composition: 30 Stamps per sheet.
Quantity: 0.5 million each.
Printer: Joh Enschede Stamps B. V., The Netherlands.
Process: Offset Lithography/Photogravure.
Designer: Purna Kala Limbu.