
New Dinosaur Discoveries A to Z by William Stout (Includes Shipping to Canada or the U.S.)

Format: Hardcover, 64 pages

Publisher: Flesk Publications, 2009

ISBN: 1933865237


William Stout's latest children's book will delight any boy or girl with an interest in dinosaurs. From Amargasaurus to Zuniceratops, each letter in the alphabet is represented by a full color picture of a new dinosaur discovered within the last twenty five years!

Cool easy-to-read dino facts and pronunciation accompany each full page color illustration. The book also has a glossary of terms used within the text. Learn what their names mean, what they ate, where they were discovered, and how large they were. From the incredible to the bizarre, this Little Golden Book style hardcover will make the perfect gift for your kids, nieces, nephews or grandkids. The back endpapers contain one picture (of Brachytrachelopan, a short-necked sauropod) that is not included in Dinosaur Discoveries.


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