Format: Softcover, 30 pages
Publisher: Gem Guides Book Company, 1979
ISBN: 0910652325
This is a step by step booklet with instructions and illustrations to show how to make pins, pendants, chains, necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings, stickpins and novelty items. Have you been wanting to get into the fascinating craft of jewelry making, but felt it was too complicated? Many craftsmen enjoy creating with metal sheet, wire and solder; or working with casting equipment. However there are those who would prefer a simpler approach requiring a minimum of equipment, tools, and supplies. If you are one of the latter, working with square, gold-filled wire may be the answer.
Many intricate designs are possible, but with How To Make Wire Jewelry the technique is easily learned. Better yet, only a small assortment of simple, inexpensive tools is required. You can actually do this work in the living room while watching television! Making jewelry with square wire is a relaxing, absorbing pastime that anyone can enjoy. Follow it as a hobby, make gifts or even go into a part-time business. You'll find that the possibilities are practically unlimited.