Publisher: Aquapress
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This second DVDR from the series "The world of Discus" brings to you the worlds leading pioneer of Discus breeding in the last century. Dr. Eduard Schmidt-Focke became a legend during his life and created the most fascinating, brilliant, and colorful Discus known all over the world. Almost every ancestor of today's tank-raised Discus has it's origin in Bad Homburg, Gemany, at Dr. Schmidt-Focke's home. His life was entirely dedicated to caring for Discus and breeding them. This interview by Heiko Bleher (whom Dr. Schmidt-Focke knew since 1950) takes you to his home and shows you for the first time in detail the doctors hidden secrets of Discus breeding and raising. This information, his views and statements had never published previously. This DVDR is a must for every Discus lover, enthusiast and breeder. It is an unmatched resource - accumulated knowledge by the leading authority of Discus keeping and breeding. A life for Discus, Dr. Eduard Schmidt-Focke's life, brought to you, for the first time, in this amazing 57 minute talk. Produced by Heiko Bleher. Camera, Sound and Director: Heiko Bleher and Horst Linke.