All prices quoted are in US funds. Shipping to Canada or the US is included in these prices. People in all other countries please email me to get your shipping options. Orders are generally shipped same or next day after payment is received. Shipping costs are calculated at ground/surface rates. Faster shipping is available, but will be more expensive. Please email me for a quote.
If you are the recipient of an order shipped between countries, you may be subject to import duties and taxes, which are assessed when the package reaches your country. You are responsible for these and any other additional charges. Most carriers assess applicable duties and taxes when the shipment from us arrives in your country. If more money is owed, they will send you a letter notifying you of the charges and the steps you need to take to receive your package.
Unfortunately, we can't control or determine the duties and taxes that will apply to your order. Because policies vary, please contact your country's customs office for more information. When ordering from us, you are the importer of record and must comply with all applicable laws and regulations of the country in which you are receiving the goods.
Because of increased shipping rates, we are no longer able to subsidise that aspect of the price. However, buying more than one book at a time will attract a discount that will be refunded through PayPal once the amount has been ascertained.